Walking route

Crete de Peyrolle

ski grade

June - October

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How to use the walking guides

A local classic, and as you park high at the col, there's not much height gain.


From the parking (I tend to park just below the col de Granon and walk up to it). Head south then east on a path to the col de Barteaux, from there the path climbs steeply to the ridge.  On the ridge there are two options the main path runs just below the edge and is straight forward or you can walk/scramble the ridge itself for which you will need to be very sure footed.  Both options merge and follow the path along as it rises and falls a little and passes under the Grande Peyrolle.  As you approach the petite Peyrolle you should see a path zig zagging down to the west, this will be the path you take,but before descending its worth taking the path up to the summit of the petite Peyrolle first.

Take the zigzag path down and then stay on the path to the Croix du pied, and from there back towards the col Barteaux, then either take the dirt road back to the lower parking or the path back to the col de Granon.

3536 OT

Map IGN Number

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